Project-based research (Baseline studies; Mid-term evaluations; End-term evaluations); Impact Assessments; Formative Research; Outcome Surveys; M&E Plans; Action Research; ESIA Studies; Longitudinal studies; Market Research; Quasi-experimental designs; Grounded theory research; …. and much more.
Data visualizations (Java, Python, SQL, C#,, etc); GPS visualizations (e.g. Mabox, leaflets), Microsoft PowerBI; Time-series modelling; etc
High quality and formatted reports; Proof-read; graphics; texts; qualitative verbatim call-outs; excerpt tables; summarized field notes; thematic reporting and customised to audience needs.
M&E systems; Paper-free automated research; coding and customization of research tools in Kobotoolbox; ODK Collect; Magpi; enketo and other computer-assisted data collection platforms; computerized collection and transcription of qualitative data from FGDs and KIIs; translations of data collection tools into local languages; secure cloud hosting of data instances; and real time data aggregation; plus much more.
Program technical back-stopping for MEAL (Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning); Remote and local field teams support; troubleshooting; design of methods and approaches; and other programme related support.
… From econometric time series (e.g macro-economic and micro-economic indicators from national agencies); National census datasets; National DHS data sets; World Bank databank; Opendata; UNICEF MICs datasets; country-specific datasets and analytics; etc
Our Ongoing Projects
Thematic Area: COVID-19 and WASH
Period: December 2022 / February 2023
Client: UNICEF Kenya Country Office
Title: End Term Review for the Knowledge, Attitudes, Beliefs and Practices [KABP] on COVID-19 amongst the Cross-Border Populations in Wajir County
Thematic Area: MNCH / Health Financing / UHC
Period: January 2022 – June 2022
Client: AMREF Health Africa in Kenya
Title: Endterm Evaluation of the Innovative Partnership for Universal and Sustainable Healthcare Programme in Nairobi and Kakamega Counties
Thematic Area: COVID-19 and WASH
Period: December 2021 – May 2022
Client: UNICEF Kenya Country Office
Title: Endterm Evaluation of the COVID-19 WASH Response Project in Nairobi and Nakuru Counties
Our Recent Projects
Thematic Area: FP/RMNCAH
Period: February / March 2021
Client: AMREF Health Africa in Kenya
Title: End Term Review for the Afya Timiza Program in Selected Sub-counties of Samburu and Turkana Counties in Kenya
Thematic Area: ICT for Learning
Period: January 2021 – June 2022
Client: UNICEF Kenya
Title: Monitoring of learning outcomes and digital literacy of students and teachers in public primary schools connected to the internet as part of Project Giga
Thematic Area: Technical Support
Period: December 2019 – July 2021
Client: WHO HQ, Geneva Switzerland
Title: Contracted Data and Survey Management Support for a Study to be Conducted in Kenya, Somalia, and Guinea
Our Clients:
For a detailed list and status of our past projects, Click Here

Currently Firstdata serves a multitude of clients including multilateral/ bilateral development partners, various NGOs and government ministries/ agencies. The long list of names include, among others, the World Bank Group, IFC, ADB, JICA, USAID, UN Agencies, DFID along with various government/ public agencies.

As an entity with multidisciplinary focus, Firstdata delivers a wide spectrum of cross-cutting expertise across a number of sectors, including Social Development, Economic Development, Infrastructure Development, ICT, and Analytics.

Quality of deliverables is highly prioritized at Firstdata through its competent team of highly skilled task management team. Each project is inspected for quality assurance and improvement from inception to project completion, with a view towards prevention of obstacles, rather than troubleshooting.
Our Numbers.
- 100+ Scripted ODK X-forms
- Up to 7 Languages Translations deployed per X-form
- 22 Self-Hosted Data Aggregation Javarosa Platforms
- Own Data Collection Tablets (50+)
- Audio Data Recorders for FGDs and KIIs (10+)
- Multi-media Capabilities
- Complex Skip Logics and Complex Calculations
The Number of Years we have been in Operation in East Africa.
Number of successfully executed contracts:
- Multi-Sector
- Multi-Country
- 18 In-house Experts
- 60 Supervisory Pool
- 1200 Pre-qualified field support staff